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Max enjoying a cycling adventure in Spain

Episode 19

12 Jun 2024

36 min 🎧

23 min 📖

Max on Climate Policy Research and the Power of Language

Working in policy is one of the most impactful careers, especially if you want to push for systemic changes for a sustainable future. As a Climate Policy Researcher and Consultant, Max Schmidt talked us through what’s involved in his job and day-to-day. We also touched on the impact of AI on his work as well as one of the important skills for a climate policy job - languages. Tune in to learn more!

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Greensider Foundation

We are a non-profit organisation with a mission to grow and empower the green workforce. To achieve this, we are building a green career platform where you can find green jobs, discover like-minded people and organisations, listen to career stories and come together in our online community and book club.

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